Rebecca is starting a "little black dress" training program today. It runs for the next 10 weeks. I know the other ladies she's going in with, and I can say that she's definitely the top of the class. Other than Rebecca, they've all let themselves go. She has to do a pre-program series of measurements, which we'll have to follow up with each week. They are as follows:
Chest: 31.5 inches
Waist: 25 ¾ inches
Hips: 34 ¾ inches
Waist: 25 ¾ inches
Hips: 34 ¾ inches
Thigh: 19 ¾ inches
Up until now, I haven't been an expert on the specifics of women's measurements, but I can tell you that for a 38 year-old women with two naturally delivered kids, she's petite. In fact, she hasn't changed much body-wise since we met twenty years ago.
I was cleaning out the garage, and I stumbled across some photos I took when we were about 22 years old. I was taking a photography course at the time and had access to a darkroom on campus after hours. One night on an out of town trip, I convinced her to let me take some nude/semi nude pics, with the understanding that I could develop them without anyone seeing them.
We never took any measurements back then, but for comparison sake, I thought I would post the original pictures. They're black and white because that was what I had the capacity to develop, not because we're that old. It's bad enough that we're able to tell our kids that we remember a time without before internet, let alone cameras that required film. I'll try to convince Rebecca to do a follow-up shoot from the same angles, and you'll see how little she's changed.

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